Warps PCB

Price: £12.99
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Warps is a versatile little beast, designed to pair with an existing vco and add wavefolding, ring modulation, and much more.
You can choose to modulate two external signals together or use the built in digital oscillator as your carrier wave. Through Zero FM and more awaits you!
I'd recommend doing a board like Clouds or Elements before this one as it's fairly small in size, might be daunting to someone inexperienced but easy enough for someone who's already built several of these.
Here's a Mouser Cart BOM for easy ordering of most parts and for costing your builds. Try ordering several projects at once for lowest prices.
If Mouser are out of stock of the STM MCU used, these are also available from us, see the dropdown menus at the top of this page.
We also have the discontinued Nichicon 3mm 10uf SMD cap available above, Warps uses 7 of these.
Mutable Instruments do not have time to support DIY builds, please contact me with support queries related to these PCB's.
Returns policy
If you're not completely satisfied, You can return these PCB's for any reason within 14 days of purchase for a full refund!