Grids PCB

PCB Price: £14.99
EU Customers, pay your local sales tax at the checkout, no extra customs charges on arrival, only on orders below €150 (about GBP £130), over €150 you pay the postman with an extra charge.
Create amazing rhythms that morph and change, Breathe life and variety into your patches. Grids is a 3 channel sequencer with a difference, all sequences are preset, but you can morph between them with full voltage control of all parameters, also includes a secret Euclidian sequencer mode.
An AVR based unit, beginners might like to try a Branches first as you can use the same ISP (in-system programmer) for both, this one is easier than the STM32 boards in my opinion.
Here's a Mouser Cart BOM for easy ordering of most parts and for costing your builds. Try ordering several projects at once for lowest prices.
Returns policy
If you're not completely satisfied, You can return these PCB's for any reason within 14 days of purchase for a full refund!
Mutable Instruments do not have time to support DIY builds, please contact me with support queries related to these PCB's.